Thursday, June 11, 2020


Today is St Barnabas day. When Barnabas became a Christian he sold his estate and gave the money to the apostles. Acts 4 34-37. Paul the apostle had previously persecuted Christians so had been viewed with suspicion, was his conversion a ploy to infiltrate their group? The disciples in Jerusalem shunned him. It was at this low point when Paul was getting nowhere that Barnabas came along. His real name was Joseph but, very significantly, he was called Barnabas which means Son of encouragement. In Acts 11 we are told that he was a ‘good man, filled with the Holy Spirit and faith’ and ‘with boldness took charge of Paul and brought him to the apostles’. He must have been eloquent as he managed to persuade them that Paul was a follower of Christ and on their side. After this, as we know, there was no stopping Paul preaching!


We all need people like Barnabas in our life, people who listen to us, affirm and encourage us to be our best selves. People who look beyond our obvious faults and stimulate us to discover our real potential. They are not put off by the mutterings of others and are not put off by the person’s past but listen deeply, with respect and without judgment. Have parents, teachers, friends and colleagues been a Barnabas to us?


However we answered, we know how important encouragement can be in our own  lives, and so we need to be a Barnabas to others to uplift and not put down, to open the door of opportunity for someone, Be ready with a word of praise, a gesture of affirmation, a smile of encouragement. Just like Barnabas we can be filled with the Holy Spirit giving us wisdom, courage to encourage others on their journey.


Don’t be put off by difficult people (most of us may well have found Paul pretty tricky), we can find the strength in God’s love to encourage and so overcome the relentless negativity that so often permeates our society.


Like St Barnabas may we seek to encourage someone today.

‘May the Lord encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word.’                             2 Thessalonians 2:17

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