Saturday, January 2, 2021

High Definition Watching


Our television pictures are now improving to give such lifelike images, with no blurring or fuzziness. I love it. I can see close-ups of flowers, the majesty of mountains, horses running, waves breaking with a wonderful sense of virtually being there. Even more ordinary scenes of people, vehicles, towns and cities are so much more realistic, although I like the nature most of all.

Of course, Lord, I wouldn’t be able to notice the difference between the older movies and series and the new HD offerings at all if I hadn’t been given eyes which can detect the high definition of the lines, colours and movements. And I am so thankful that I can feel transported to see places and things which I will never have the opportunity to view in person, and to see them so well. I can jump off the side of a mountain, swim in the depths of the ocean, dive into frozen waters, view the planets and stars – all in high definition.

I am so grateful that my eyes, despite their imperfections, can see so much wonder, and see it in such beautiful detail. Help me not to take it all for granted or allow more trivial programmes to dominate my viewing. It’s so easy to give in to the more pointless shows where you wonder afterwards why you bothered. I like entertainment, Lord, no problem, especially at the moment - but I need inspiration too.

Heavenly Father, the beauty of the earth and sky, the glory of the universe which surrounds us, all speak of your provision, your infinite love, and the wonder of our lives on this planet. Thank you for the clearer and wider vision which we can now have of the wonders of the world. Help us to safeguard our ecosystem for future generations, and in doing so exercise the responsibility which we are given in being placed in this world, this planet Earth. Amen

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