Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Blessing our homes at Epiphany



Valerie Mort, one of the newest members of our Church family shared this lovely tradition from her Church in Nazeing   

Blessing our homes today on the feast of the Epiphany


There is a tradition in the Anglican church of blessing our homes at Epiphany.

This custom exists in various forms in the church, but at its simplest, as we celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men to bless our Lord’s home in Nazareth, so we ask for God to bless our homes, families and neighbourhoods throughout this year.



We do this by taking (blessed, I can bless this on Thursday and Sunday) chalk and marking the lintel above or brickwork to the side of our front door with 20 + C + M + B + 21 which stands for the initials of the three wise men (Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar), flanked by the year, and divided by the sign of the cross. CMB also stands for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, which is Latin for “May Christ Bless this House.”


As we do this, we say the following:

The three Wise Men,

Caspar (mark a C),

Melchior (mark an M),

and Balthasar (mark a B)

followed the star of God’s Son

who became human two thousand (mark 20 before C)

and twenty one years ago (mark 21 after B).

(In the final part of the blessing we add crosses in the gaps)

++ May Christ bless our home,

++ and remain with us throughout the New Year.



Closing prayer

God of heaven and earth,

you revealed your Son to every nation by the guidance of a star.

Bless this house and all who live in it.

Fill us with the light of Christ,

that our concern for others may reflect your love.

We ask this through Christ our Saviour.



Please share this great idea with your friends

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