Thursday, July 23, 2020


This week our prayer course ended. We looked at the final part of the Lord’s Prayer: “deliver us from evil”. And noticing that the Armour of God is with us, we noticed that it is a defensive armour for our souls in the face of the evil things in the world. However, the armour inevitably suggests military bravery – and of course that is needed in places of conflict – but what about ordinary bravery?


One of us mentioned a relative who prevented a domestic abuse situation which he witnessed. Other situations may be less overtly dramatic yet still require bravery: the person who fears to drive their car after an accident; the child who fears going to school because of bullying; the person concerned about using public transport due to the infection risk; someone who endures intimidation or abuse in their home; a care worker without access to PPE or information; those who stand up to racial discrimination and oppression.


It can also be a person who is fearful of falling over; another who wrestles with an addiction such as drugs or gambling; someone who finds it difficult to stand in front of a group to address them; another who enters a room and feels afraid to approach those present; those who worry about their health, their finances, their loved ones; those coping with mental health disorders. The person who is afraid to speak to distressed or bereaved people.


Bravery is needed in so many areas of life. Perhaps we all have areas of life which need a brave response. For life has many challenges – some of them come to us, others come from within us. Prayer and maintaining faith is about centring our lives on the love of God, turning from the sins of the world and knowing that the true power behind the universe is all-loving. We can channel that through prayer, not in the sense of constant talking but in quiet receptiveness to God’s presence, through reflecting on suitable pieces of scripture, and through using the Lord’s Prayer which comes straight from the heart of Jesus.


“The peace of God, which (sur)passes all our understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God”


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