Thursday, July 9, 2020


It been raining here in Haarlem pretty much every day, and although when I am in Hertford I long for rain for the garden, here it means that Mum cannot get out to sit in her garden and get fresh air and also that the plans I had for this week’s video sermon by the nearby river or even finding the odd windmill for a backdrop are thwarted. (But look closely on Sunday….we just managed!)


One can experience this rain as an irritating and inconvenient annoyance. Wanting only to pull up the covers and even turn on the heating, we put on stout shoes and raincoats and trudge out to get fresh air and visit the chemist shop. But when in Hertford, I experience a rain shower in a completely different way.  I am the same person but I feel the garden is refreshed and I don’t have to do so much watering (it never looks as fresh as when it rains).

Rain can be a dispiriting disappointment when a long-anticipated walk is cancelled. It can also be frightening in its relentlessness, and even life-threatening as we experienced over the recent years when rivers swelled and flooded towns and villages. Here the land is so low lying that in the past the Dutch have had to build considerable sea defences and canals to protect the land and people from rising water.

So recently, having such valuable opportunity, I have been meditating on the cleansing nature of rain.  Just as our baptism is a sacrament of new life through the cleansing ritual of water, the soothing rhythm of rainfall and the clouded grey skies of these past days have provided me with a much needed cleansing of my mind and spirit.

Reflecting, my thoughts turned to the Bible passage in Matthew (5:43-48) where we are reminded that God “makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” This passage comes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and is not so much about rain and sun but rather that God’s love is there for absolutely everyone. Jesus even says that we should love and pray for our enemies, otherwise, we are really no different than they are. Every day of healing rain can help remind us of this calling to love. So, I will be mindful that this is the work I need to do.  With God’s healing love, may it be so.

Loving God, help us to be more loving to all our fellow human beings that they and we may more fully experience your perfect Love. Guide us daily with your wisdom and gentle mercy. Shine on us, shower on us, your blessings with renewed hope and vision. Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely words Jo. Cheered me up in rainy Hertford although, as you say, rain is good for my garden. It sounds as if your Mom is improving. I hope so.
