Sunday, November 8, 2020

Remembrance Sunday


History can inspire or trap.
Walls can protect or divide.
Words can encourage or inflame.
Power can free or destroy.
Touch can comfort or violate.
Peace can be shared or withheld.
All loving God, on this day,
when we remember past and present conflicts,
we pray for the divided peoples of the world,
that leaders, governments and each one of us
may use our resources,
our opportunities and our lives
in the service of reconciliation,
for the sake of future generations
and to the glory of your name.

1 comment:

  1. Whilst we are remembering the fallen who sacrificed themselves for the greater good, I would also like to remember a great intellectual thinker and broadcaster who shared his thoughts on living a moral and caring life for the benefit of the wider community. That person is the familiar voice on BBC Radio, namely Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sachs, his words of wisdom will be missed in this country and across the world.
