Saturday, April 11, 2020

Holy Saturday: Waiting

In the past the Church would not have been waiting or quiet today. It would have been busy, a marvellous flurry of activity; with beautiful lilies and flowers cut and arranged by all our great flower arrangers, the Lent cross would be prepared for people’s flowers tomorrow,  the bare Easter garden set up, the organist passionately practising the finale for the Easter service, the cleaning team scrubbing, polishing and vacuuming, the sacristy team putting back all the altar frontals, silverware and the fresh linen and amidst all the flowers’ scent there would be the smell of coffee and hotcross buns and the lively chatter of the workers!
But today the church lies silent. And today, we too can find silence, we can use this time of waiting this time of suspense between two worlds, that of the darkness of Jesus’ death and the  glorious light of resurrection; to be silent, calm and still,  a time to be slow, reflecting on our fears and anxieties, and then letting them go into the quiet space of prayer and the presence of God. Isaiah said:

I will wait for the Lord, and I will hope in him.
They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like the eagles, they shall run and not be weary.
They shall walk and not faint.     Isaiah 8:17 and 40:31

Christ, our Lord,
Your love is poured out for us,
Hold us in your embrace
As we wait for the dawn of Easter, comfort us with the promise,
That nothing can separate us from your love,
And strengthen us to wait in stillness and calm
Until you are revealed to us in all your risen glory. Amen.

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